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AI Call Analysis

  • Updated

To activate the AI Call Analysis add-on your subscription needs to support Call Recording.


With our new AI Call Analysis tool, your calls are recorded and analyzed to provide actionable insights, helping you improve customer satisfaction, boost sales, and streamline operations.


AI Call Analysis Features 

The tool is located in the same place where the call recording was. It's just a click from the call logs. Now clicking on the speaker button you will get an advanced player.


Let's check what this player includes:

Call Summary

You will now receive a brief summary of the call, which will help you understand what this call is about quickly without needing to listen to the recording.

Key Points

Next, you will get some key points from the call to help you understand the topic.

Updated Call Player

As always, the call player is available to listen to the call recording. Some new features of the new player are the Cut & Save part of the call, Adjusting the playback Speed, Checking which participant talks more, and advancing to their talking part.

Call Transcription

You can now read the transcription of the call, separated by the speaker, and also listen along while the call is being played back, highlighting the transcribed words that you are currently listening to.


Call Emotion

You can now get a glimpse of the call sentiment. You have the average call emotion in the call as well as specific call emotions based on the expressions that were transcribed. You can also click on those expressions and advance to that part of the conversation.
call emotion.gif

That's it! You can now take your customer interactions to the next level.
If you need further assistance, our support team is available by submitting a ticket or by sending an email to

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