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Recording announcements using the portal and the phone handset.

  • Updated


You will need the NUACOM portal login details and an available extension to record your message.

1. Login into the NUACOM portal at

2. Go to Settings -> IVR Menu



3. If you have multiple IVRs, choose the IVR you wish to modify.



4. On the IVR page, identify the announcement you wish to record and press on the List icon



5. To overwrite the existing message, you must record the exact message selected above.

  1. Select the extension on which you will record the message from the drop-down.
  2. Click on the List icon for the announcement that you wish to record.
  3. Click on Record from Handset, after which you will receive a call. Answer the call, say the message after the beep, and press # at the end. Press 1 to save or 2 to re-record the message.


6. If you wish to record a new one instead and keep a copy of the old message, press the + Add New Announcement button on the window.


  1. Select the extension you'd like to record the message from the drop-down.
  2. Click the "Record Message" button. You will receive a call on the extension you chose at step 1. Answer that call, be ready to read the message after the beep, and press # when finished. The system will playback the message to you and prompt you to press 1 to save or 2 to re-record. Once you have pressed 1, the message is saved, and you can hang up the call.
  3. Enter a short name for the announcement and the optional description.
  4. Press the "Save Description" button.
  5. Before closing this window, take note of the new announcement reference number, which in this example is #49


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