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Recording Announcements - Text-to-speech

  • Updated

NEW feature! Text-to-speech

Please see our new Text-to-speech feature, where you can convert your message from text to an audio file.

Navigate to the Nuacom portal at,

Go to-->>Settings-->> Announcements.

Click on the "Add a new announcement" button.


Click on the "Convert text to speech" button.

  1. Type the message you wish to play into the "Convert your text to speech box".
  2. It's essential to select the most appropriate language.
  3. Click "Convert".

Once converted,

Click "Submit speech".


  1. Name for your announcements.
  2. Describe your announcement (paste the whole script, which will help you recognise the message later).

  3. Click "Save description". This action will save the announcement on the system and will make it available to apply in a call flow (IVR).


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