To Ensure your calls in Nuacom sync with the Zoho CRM, please follow this guide step by step.
please note - if the guide is not followed correctly, this will cause a misconfiguration
and calls will not push correctly to Zoho
Step 1 - Log in to Zoho CRM as an admin
go to settings
next, click on Telephony in the Channels section
next, search for Nuacom in the Telephony Marketplace
click on the Nuacom icon then install the integration
you can either select specific users or All users to sync between
Once setup is complete, you will see the following information
The Zoho CRM setup is completed now.
More information on that you can find on Zoho help center:
Step 2 - Setting up the integration in the Nuacom portal
please log into the nuacom portal as an admin ( > login)
then go to Settings > Apps and Integrations
click to view/edit the Zoho integration
Sign In

If you are not signed in, sign in with your account to allow the integration. Once signed in, click the "Accept" button to connect.
Get Connected
Once you accept the integration you will now see Zho connected in the NUACOM portal.
This is where you want to map the Zoho users with your NUACOM phone system users.
Press the +(Plus) to add another user or the -(minus) to remove.
Once completed mapping the users, click "Save Config".
Nuacom has now been integrated with Zoho CRM.
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