Disclaimer: Salesforce is a third-party product and a trademark of SalesForce Inc.
Initial Setup
To connect the Salesforce integration navigate to Settings > Apps & Integrations.
Locate the Salesforce integration, click the View/Edit button,
and then click the Connect button.
In the new window that appears, use your credentials to log in to Salesforce.
(Please note that you need to have an admin account and the appropriate Salesforce plan to continue)
Once the page reloads the Salesforce integration settings appear:
User Mapping
Here you can map the users between the Nuacom system and the Salesforce app. Once you have mapped your users, click on Save Users Mapping.
Contact Type Options
Here you can choose what details the Nuacom system will search in Salesforce for the calls to be synced. You can ask the system to search for a number in Contacts, Leads, & Accounts.
Once you have made your choice, and the number is found, you can also select where to push the Call log activity. You have the option to Push the call log only to the first matching type of the sequence (based on the priority as shown in the example), or Push the call log to all selected contact types.
Additionally, you have the option to Push call event to the company's number contacts. Once enabled, if you have created an account with your company details (telephone number) in Salesforce, all calls that you are making from or to that number will be synced also in Salesforce.
Lastly, you have the option to Push your call recordings to Einstein Conversation Insights (ECI). You can continue reading this article to learn about the settings that need to be done in Salesforce.
Once you have made your choices, click Save Contact Options.
Events Synchronization
Here you can define which calls are being synced to Salesforce.
You can sync All calls, calls that have landed in a specific Queue, or calls that have landed in a specific Number. You can also choose to include or exclude the call recording.
Once you have made your choices, click Save Events.
That's it! You have now successfully activated your Salesforce integration. If needed, you can also activate the Nuacom CTI (Computer Telephony Integration), to enable the click-to-call functionality in Salesforce.
Installing the Nuacom Salesforce CTI
To integrate the NUACOM phone system into Salesforce you must install the NUACOM Salesforce App.
*Please Note: You MUST be an admin and signed in to your Salesforce account to continue*
Also, your account must have access to REST API (add-on, or specific subscription)
Salesforce CTI Installation steps
1 - Setup -> Call Centers -> Import -> Import our CTI.xml file (The file is located at the end of this KB)
1.1 - Click on Manage Call Centers Users
1.2 - Click on Add More Users
1.3 - Use the filter to find the desired users and click on find
1.4 - Check the checkbox related to the users you want to give access to the CTI and click on Add to call center
2 - Setup -> Package Manager -> New -> Package Name “Nuacom” -> Save
2.1 - Click on Add to add a component to the package components list
2.2 - Choose Component Type “Call Center”, select the checkbox for “NUACOM Softphone CTI”, and Click on “Add to Package”
3 - Setup -> App Manager -> Select Sales from Lightning then Edit
3.1 - On App Settings, click on the menu "Utility items (Desktop Only)" then Add Utility Item, choose the “Open CTI Softphone” option, and click on Save.
That's it! You have now successfully activated the Nuacom CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) in Salesforce.
Activating the Einstein Conversation Insights (ECI)
After you have enabled the call recordings to be pushed to Salesforce from Nuacom, you need to head to Salesforce settings.
Logged in as an admin, head to set up and locate the general settings of ECI:
On Step 1: Turn on Conversation Insights & wait for some minutes for the Conversation Insights Readiness & Insights Dashboard Creation to be Ready to Use.
On Step 2: Locate Nuacom as a provider and activate it.
On Steps 4,5,6: Make them Active (not mandatory).
On Step 7: You need to assign some permissions for users to be able to check the calls. To do that there is an easy way to do it per user. While in set-up, head on users and find the user who needs access. Give the permissions mentioned below that concern ECI and Sales (if they are a Sales user):
After you have finished with your users, synced calls will look like that in Salesforce:
That's it! You have now activated the call syncing to Salesforce ECI.
If you need further assistance, our support team is available by submitting a ticket or by calling us at 777.
- NUACOM Softphone CTI.xml851 Bytes
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